December 16, 2021


A foreign company means any company or body corporate incorporated outside India which, has a place of business in India whether by itself or through an agent, physically or through electronic mode; and conducts any business activity in India in any other manner.

Purpose of the eForm

As per Sec 380(3) of the Companies Act,2013 and Rule 3(4) of Chapter XXII The Companies (Registration of Foreign Companies) Rules,2014, Every foreign company has to file E-form FC-2 in following situations within 30 days: a) Alterations in the charter or statute or any other instrument governing the company, b) Alterations in the particulars of Director/Secretaries of the foreign company,  c) Any change in the registered or principal office of the company in the country of incorporation,  d) Any change in the particulars of authorized representative(s) of the company  e) Any change in other places of business in India of the company,  This eForm is required to be filed with Registrar of Companies and a copy is routed to concerned ROC of the respective state by the system.

Documents to be attached in Form FC-2

  • Certified true copy of the Board resolution, if any 
  • Copy of the general meeting resolution 
  • Copy of approval letter (it is mandatory if any approval is required for such alteration) 
  • Particulars of alterations in the place of business in India of the company 
  • Particulars of alteration in details of the directors or secretaries 
  • Particulars of alterations in details of the company authorized representative 
**Translated version of the documents in English in case documents attached are not in English. Any other information can be provided as an optional attachment It should be digitally signed by the Authorized representative of the company. This eForm is required to be filed with Registrar of Companies and a copy is routed to concerned ROC of the respective state by the system.

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